Move, Breathe & Relax

Hi there thanks for visiting my site

I am currently taking a break from teaching weekly classes - but I’ll be back soon!

Stay in touch by signing up for my newsletter and I will see you back on our mat soon.

lots of love and have a wonderful summer,

Hannah x x

Flow Yoga (beginner/intermediate)

Yoga Gently

Yoga Pregnancy & Birth

Mummy & Me Yoga

In-Person and via Zoom

Join me in person classes begin again 17th may 2021, from Ashtorre Rock Saltash, PL12 4GT .

All classes are also live online via Zoom and available on-demand recorded so you can to nurture your wellbeing from the comfort of your own home and at a time that suits you.

Health & Wellbeing Support 

Some suggestions to help keep you healthy, relaxed and steady. 

A little movement goes a long way - time on your mat doesn't have to be a lot, but if your working from home or Self-isolating a simple sequence of movements you remember from class can help stimulate your energy levels, keep youphysically healthyincrease relaxation and mindfulness and help you sleep better

Yoga Movement isn't the only movement you can do DANCE! and move your limbs get your body moving and singing - this is great for body and mind.

Laughter increases immunity and connection. Stay connected to your friends and family and I find it really helpful to not consciously get caught-up in the current situation.

'Where the mind goes, energy flows' - so you may as well consciously focus your thoughts on health and wellness - you've got nothing to loose. 

If Anxiety is knocking at your door… take a break from the news, close Facebook (or limit time on social media) ... its so important to take note of how social media actually makes you FEEL. If your anxiety and stress levels are increasing - take a break, go for a walk, get some fresh air and sun on your face, read your favourite book or breath deeply, move and relax.

I find breathing techniques extremely helpful with this 3-part breath (Viloma Breath)  is very good at helping you have a sense of grounding and moving us into the parasympathetic nervous system aka Relaxation Response  (opposite to fight/flight/freeze Stress Response) Breathing practices are also great for respiratory health.

Stay Connected...there is no better time than now to call your friends, family and loved ones - follow your heart and stay connected and part of a growing community. Thankfully this is easier than ever now. 

Take Steps to Beat Stress...As well as physically supporting those on Self-Isolation with medication, groceries and supplies, it is a good idea now to support yourself & others emotionally. Talking is great therapy, is shows you care and helps us feel connected and can alleviate anxiety, while providing comfort to us and others (so long as its not just wallowing in the current situation)
- Learning how to Respond Mindfully to our Emotions contributes to our overall wellbeing. Stress has a major effect on our immune system, so we want to manage it. Yoga is great at stress relief, moving regularly, breathing deeply and relaxing - sounds good to me and this can be done all in the space of a yoga mat.

Try Circular Breathing - Slowly breath in for count of 3, pause at top for count of 3, slowly exhale for count of 3, pausing for count of 3, continue for as long as feels comfortable. Do this exercise until you feel relaxed, practice it regularly - simply focusing your awareness on your breath has a relaxing effect.

Self-care....the importance of... its easy to put this one aside, in the face of greater needs - but there is no greater need than your own Self-Care. If you are not looking after yourself, you cannot look after others well. It rolls the same with loving yourself, you have to do that before, you can really love another.
Take a warm bath, light yourself the fire, wrap-up in a blanket with your favourite book, listen to a podcast, give yourself a massage and nourish yourself with food. 

Meditate, nourish your mind. Where to start with this one as there are so many entry points. Keep it simple - we are likely going to have more time on our hands in coming weeks and months ahead - why not use this as an opportunity to just SIT. Sitting as the Buddhist's call it, is not complicated and it can have hugely positive affects on our wellbeing. With practice we can change the way we thought we were rigidly defined. (see quote below)

Nourish your BODY with good quality whole foods. Eat the colours of the Rainbow 🌈 if you can - eat fresh fruit, nuts, pulses, grains and vegetables as the main part of your diet. Go easy on the dairy (I do love cheese though!) apparently its mucus forming - which doesn't helps our respiratory system. 

Sleep Better ....Tips to help if your finding you sleep if affected..its not just quantity its quality...
10,3,2,1 of Better Sleep..
• 10 hours before bed - No more caffeine.
• 3 hours before bed - No more food or alcohol.
• 2 hours before bed - No more work.
• 1 hour before bed - No more screen time (turn off all phones, TVs and computers).

There is so much more which I look forward to sharing over the weeks ahead.

Most of all, as it is looking more and more like we are going to be Home For Now.... stay positive towards yourself and others, nurture gratitude for each day and each other. 

With love and Kindness 

x x x

“...dynamic empowerment can be the source of our unique resilience in an ever-changing world. We have the ability to navigate the vast jungles of our own brains, carving out paths that lead to choice destinations. If we exercise our neuroplastic nature we can shift our own destiny... Rigidity of mind and spirit can become a legend we remember when we speak of how we used to be. As we allow ourselves to mold anew with each of life’s experiences, we embody the very essence of hope. We become alive in the elasticity of adaptation, demonstrating that this, too, shall pass.”


Hannah is an experienced British Wheel of Yoga teacher, certified by Yoga Alliance Professionals. Her specialist training in pre & postnatal yoga ensures classes are safe for Pregnancy and post-natal recovery. She teaches inclusive and accessible classes and also offers Gentle Yoga, Beginners Yoga and regular Weekend Workshops.

Hannah teaches Hatha and Scaravelli inspired yoga.  A gentle yet challenging yoga in which we learn to listen deeply, cultivate receptivity and increase our awareness. Working with gravity and relaxation through exhalation, helping to quiet the mind and bring us back to our centred selves.  In learning to elongate and extend the spine, rather than push and pull, we invite the body to open and and come back into balance. 

Some benefits of this approach: 

  • moving with ease

  • improved postural habits and awareness

  • increased muscle strength and flexibility

  • positive breathing patterns

  • reduced neck and lower back pain

  • release of tension and tiredness

  • stress relief

  • deep relaxation

Through yoga we discover that the way we breathe, stand or think all profoundly effect how we feel and the way we interact with the world. We see how the habitual patterns of holding in our bodies act as veils to conceal our wholeness.
— Ayala Gill